Play SuperLotto Plus Online

You can take part in SuperLotto Plus online. It's quick and easy - all you need to do is choose five numbers from 1 to 47 and one Mega Number from 1 to 27. You can also opt for a Quick Pick to choose your numbers for you. SuperLotto Plus tickets cost $1 and you can have up to 5 entries per ticket. If you are prone to forgetting to enter draws or are planning a trip away, you can enter future draws by selecting the Advance Play option on your playslip. You can enter up to 20 consecutive draws.

Choose five numbers from 1 to 47 and one Mega Number from 1 to 27

Quick Pick ×
Quick Pick ×
Quick Pick ×
Quick Pick ×

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Why Play Online?

If you play SuperLotto Plus at your local lottery retailer, your ticket will come in the form of a receipt. It is your responsibility to keep that safe and check the results after the draws to see if you have won a prize. When playing online, you can rest assured that your numbers are kept safe and you will be notified of any wins. Below you can find some more benefits of playing online.


When playing online your numbers are stored securely in your account which means you cannot lose them and they cannot be stolen.


You have the added benefit of getting notified if you win any prize. Not only will you be notified, your winnings will be paid to you directly.


You can purchase an entry for SuperLotto Plus anywhere, anytime. You can play from the comfort of your own home.


Claiming lottery prizes can be a long process. When you play online, any prizes you win will be paid straight into your account.

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